Creating and editing tasks in your transaction is easy! Whenever you need to create a new task for yourself, or for another team member, here's what to do:

How to Create & Edit Task Lists

  • Locate your transaction via the 'Transactions' tab.

  • Go to the Tasks tab, click 'New Task List'.

  • Scroll down and click 'New Task List'

  • Enter a helpful title for the task list, then click 'Add Task List'.

  • Now you have a task list!

  • To change the title, you can simply click 'Edit', then 'Update' when you're done.

  • If you want to delete, just click the 'Delete' button.

  • If you want to add a task, follow the process below!

How to Create & Edit Tasks

  • Once you have a task list, to create a new task you can simply click 'Add an item'.

  • Now you have a task! 

  • Note: as you can see above, hyperlinks are functional with tasks! If you would like to link to Google resource, a tutorial or wiki, website, or any other online resource, simply paste in the URL and you or your team can click the link for more information on the task!

  • If you want to reassign the due date, edit the task description, or who it's assigned to, just click 'Edit' and then 'Update' when you're done with your updates.

  • When the task has been completed, just click the checkbox.

  • Your task will still show up underneath all others as 'Completed'. If you need to use the task again, just click the checkbox again and it will revert back to an uncompleted task.