Email templates make it super easy for you to send standard, routine messages. 

To write a new email template, go to your Task Templates page:

Find the task you'd like to write a template onto, click 'Edit', then click 'Message'.

Now you can write whatever you'd like! You can include merge tags for standard contract information.


Here's a rundown of each of the tags:

  • {CLIENT_FIRST_NAMES} = This will populate the client(s) first name(s). If there is only one client, it will only populate with that client's name. If there are multiple (i.e. "John Thompson and Jim Thompson") then both names will appear as "John & Jim"
  • {AGENT_FIRST_NAME} = This is the first name of agent on this side of the deal.  
  • {AGENT_LAST_NAME} = Last name of agent 
  • {AGENT_EMAIL} = Email of the agent on the deal
  • {COOP_AGENT_FIRST_NAME} = Name of the agent on the other side of the deal (i.e. if you're representing the seller, this will be the buyer's agent)
  • {PROPERTY_ADDRESS} = Property address, i.e. 1234 Main St 
  • {CLOSE_DATE} = This is the date that was entered into "Closing Date" on the transaction, and will appear as 3/2/2021
  • {LIST_DATE} = This is the date that was entered into "Listing Date" on the transaction, and will appear as 3/2/2021
  • {EXECUTED_DATE} = This is the date that was entered into "Executed" on the transaction, and will appear as... you get it. 
  • {INSPECTION_EXP_DATE} = This is the date that was entered into "Inspection Period Expiration" on the transaction. 
  • {FINANCING_EXP_DATE} = This is the date that was entered into "Financing Expiration" on the transaction. 
  • {LENDER_FIRST_NAME} = First name of the lender. Important: If this is a cash deal, you'll want to delete this on the live transaction. 
  • {ESCROW_FIRST_NAME} = First name of the escrow officer.

Click 'Update Message Template when you're done writing your message (you can always update it later).

When you have a live transaction and want to send a message, simply click on the task on the transaction.

Your message will populate onto the info screen! The merge tags will populate the transaction information upon sending.